Workshops for joyful living and work

Monthly Collage Pop-ups

Remote and hybrid working has left a lot of us craving connection. There is more of a need than ever for companies to make the commute worthwhile on those days that people are in the office. Many workplaces still lack the space for imaginative thinking and practice to occur, so our monthly pop-ups provide consistency for your teams to re-connect with themselves, each other, and their imaginations.

Corporate Training and Away Days

We believe everyone is ‘creative’ no matter what your job description. But all too often this creativity lies dormant, waiting in the wings but never making it out into the light. This is a disservice to any company wanting to survive the tumultuous times we live in. The Daydreamers Club can design your away days and training to achieve all your strategic goals, as well as firing up your team to ignite their imaginations in practical and accessible ways.

Private events Daydreamers Club

Private Events (with or without Prosecco ;)

If you’re planning an event for a loved one or a pal, we love bringing people together in meaningful ways. Our mission with our private events is for every participant to leave feeling creatively nourished. We can make these sessions entirely bespoke, whether you’re intrigued by bringing Tarot and collage together, story-telling, setting intentions or making vision boards.

Email for more info.

  • "Fantastic energy and the initial exercise was extremely effective in unlocking a creative outlook that I didn’t think I had."

    Conor Dunne
    Managing Director, Head of UK Corporate Financing & Risk Solutions, NatWest

  • "Daydreamers Club helped open me up to new ways of thinking. A great session for getting to know new people and get into a creative flow."

    Coal Drops Yard Participant

  • "I loved the removal from my day to day world and work. I also loved the ongoing little fun conversations and dialogue between the team throughout."

    NatWest Participant