Nourishing experiences for people to ignite and re-connect with their imaginations, for more joyful and creative work.

Deliberate Daydreaming

Lots of people don’t identify as ‘creative’ because our definition is all wrong. First off we ask all our clients, when was the last time you connected with your imagination?

Our variety of corporate, community and private workshops provide energetic and thoughtful activities to foster attention, curiosity and courage. We’ll bring all the materials for an imaginative and immersive session, leaving your team pumped for better creativity, collaboration, and relationship building, at work or at home.

Each workshop looks a little different, but you might want to get involved in:

– Workplace collage pop-ups

– Corporate away days

– Monthly cafe socials 

– Private events

Why Daydream? A note from our founder.

🤩 In my view, the word creativity can be over-used. It’s hard to define and, for many people, it’s tricky to connect with. If you couldn’t draw at school, chances are you were told you weren’t ‘creative’. I studied graphic design at university and I still struggle to identify with the word. Personally I’m far more curious about your Imagination. How do you tap into it? When was the last time you explored it? Where did it take you?

Not everyone can relate to being an artist or big innovation, but pretty much 100% of our clients know what we mean when I say Imaginative thinking. It reminds them of childhood. Hazy memories of expansive, weird and wonderful creations come to mind. Disney land, Willy Wonka and tales of Narnia descend with infinite waves of possibility. What’s currently lacking in our workplaces and communities are designated spaces and pockets of time for daydreaming to occur. The permission to be messy with your ideas, unrefined and playful. To ask the question, what happens when we step through the looking glass? Without this space for play, ideas struggle to grow into the success stories we all crave so much.

Our Daydreaming workshops are designed to help you, your team and your community to build confidence in your truly imaginative voice. They function like mini-workouts. The same way weight lifting builds muscle, consistent Daydreaming builds your imaginative-confidence. Whether you use that for purely joyful living, for re-imagining your business model, or for the big important pitch coming up, the possibilities are endless

So, how healthy is your imagination, and could it do with stretching it’s legs?

Keep Daydreamin’!
Luce x

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*Democratise creativity * *Join the movement* *Start Daydreaming Now*